Parts for Detroit Diesel Blower
If you are looking for a Detroit Diesel Blower, you have come to the right place. We carry some of the most extensive listings of series 53, series 71, series 92 and series 60 parts. Our website makes it easy to locate the part you need, quickly and easily. No annoying part numbers to look up, no confusing product descriptions, just a straight forward way to locate the item you need. With our low prices, and multiple shipping options, you will get a premium quality item, shipped to you when you need it, for less than you will find elsewhere. Plus, we have friendly and knowledgeable associates who are ready to help you whenever you need. Try us and you will agree, we are a better way to buy Diesel parts online. Here we offer some common questions about the blowers to help steer you in the right direction. If you would like to see frequently asked questions by engine series, please scroll down to see more.
How can I be sure I am getting the right blower for my engine?
One easy way to check is to look at the engine’s serial number. The format would be something like 5043-5101, for example. The first number will correspond with the series. The sixth digit will correspond to the number of valves, with one representing two valves, and a two representing four valves. So in the example above 5 is the first digit, meaning it is a 53 series engine. The sixth digit is a 1, so it is a two valve engine.
Do you offer any kits for the Detroit Diesel blowers?
Yes! We offer a blower repair kit for many engines, as well as a gasket kit. Both come with all parts you will need for the task. If you are replacing the blower, it is essential that the gaskets are replaced, and our gasket kit will have everything you need for the job.
Are your blowers covered under warranty?
Yes, all of our new products have a one year warranty and all rebuilt products are thoroughly inspected, and carry a six month warranty. We also offer easy returns on unused merchandise, as long as it is returned to us within 30 days of purchase.
General Blower Questions and Troubleshooting
Can high lubricating oil consumption be tied to the blower? How would I check?
If you suspect an oil leak or other high oil use by the blower fist remove the air inlet housing and its piping. Run the engine at half throttle and at idle. Using a flashlight, located the end plates and look for excessive oil running out past the seals.
I see oil coming out of the exhaust, is this related to the blower?
If you see oil being discharged through the exhaust, the seals around the blower should be checked. Bad seals can cause oil to leak and then be pulled into the blower. From there, the oil pushes thorough the combustion chamber and out into the exhaust.
Black smoke is coming from the engine, could this be related to the blower?
Though not directly attached to the blower, this could be related to the air intake system. Specifically, the silencer may be dirty, or may need to be replaced. If the engine has an attached intercooler, the fins may need to be cleaned. If the engine is overheating, this would be further indication that the intercooler is not functioning properly.
The blower seems good, but I don’t think the engine is running as well as it should?
If you have a blower that is in good condition, but you still suspect a problem, it could be the air cleaner. The air inlet restriction should not exceed 25 in. of water (or 20 in. of water for engines with a turbo.) If unsure, the air cleaner should be changed frequently, especially if the engine has to run in dusty or dirty conditions.
I believe the blower is making an odd/loud noise, what could cause this?
Unfortunately, loud or odd noises coming from a blower is probably a sign of the bearings being broken, resulting in the rotors hitting each other. If this is the case, the blower itself would have to be replaced.
Why won't my blower pull in air, even though it is a new part?
If you have a new blower (or have one in good condition that is not moving) then it could be a problem with the blower shaft. The shaft itself could be damaged, or the blower shaft retainer, a small clip designed to hold the shaft in place, could be malfunctioning. The retainer is a small piece, and tends to lose tension overtime, so this piece should be replaced whenever possible.
53 Series and 71 Series Blowers Questions
What is the recommended schedule of maintenance for the 71 series and 53 series Blowers?
The 53 series and the 71 series should have the blowers inspected every 1000 hours. It is recommended that the rotors be checked for scores or scratches, as well as the end plates and the housing. In addition, check for oil leaks around the seals.
6V92, 8V92, 12V92, 16V92 Blower Questions
I ’ve heard that the 6V92 and 8V92 have interchangeable parts, is this true?
These engines are similar in many ways, but there are a few differences that should be noted. The first difference is the mounting holes. These engines may have a different number of mounting holes in the top, even if the number of cylinders is the same. While most have six, some may have more. It is also important to note that many of the parts in these blowers are interchangeable, however, be cautious because the housing is not the same size for the different engines.
Which blowers fit the larger 12V92 and 16V92 Engines?
The parts for these massive engines borrow from the smaller engines. Specifically, 12V92 engines use two 6V92 blowers and 16V92 engines use two 8V92 blowers. It should also be noted that for both of these engines, if both blowers are taken out, then the rear blower should be installed first, before installing the front blower.