Finding Your Detroit Diesel Engine Serial Number

September 22, 2022

Where Is My Detroit Diesel Engine Serial Number?


If you have a Detroit Diesel engine and you are looking for the serial number then this is the article for you. We have the locations of the serial numbers below broken down by the series of the engine that you have. If you are not sure of your engine series, we have also included the specific engines as well. For your reference we will be mentioning the front and the rear of the engine; the rear of the engine is where the flywheel is located.


Engine Series Covered In This Article: 


  1. 53 Series 
  2. 71 Series
  3. 92 Series
  4. 149 Series
  5. 60 Series


Find The Serial Number For Your 53 Series Engine 


This series includes the following engines: 



What Your Serial Number Looks Like


3-53: the serial number will start with 03D

4-53 : the serial number will start with 04D

6-53 cylinder engines: the serial number will start with 06D

8-53: cylinder engines: the serial number will start with 08D


Serial Number For Inline 53 Series Engines 


The serial number inline series 53 engines (3-53 & 4-53) can be found on the right hand side of the cylinder block in the upper rear corner. 


Serial Number For V-Type Series 53 Engines


The serial number for v-type series 53 engines (6V53 & 8V53) engines can be found on the top right-hand front side of the engine as viewed from the rear of the engine.


Find The Serial Number For Your 71 Series Engine 


This series includes the following engines. 











What Your Serial Number Looks Like


2-71 = 02A follow by seven digits

3-71 = 03A follow by seven digits

4-71 = 04A follow by seven digits

6-71 = 06A follow by seven digits

6V71 = 06VA follow by six digits

8V71 = 08VA follow by six digits

12V71 = 12VA follow by six digits

16V71 = 16VA follow by six digits


Serial Number For Inline 71 Series Engines 


The serial number for your 71 series inline engine (2-71, 3-71,4-71,or 6-71) can be found on the upper front right hand side of the cylinder block as viewed from the rear of the engine (or flywheel).


Serial Number For V-Type 71 Series Engines 


The serial number for v-type series 71 engines (6V71,8V71) can be found on the upper front corner of the cylinder block and the right side,  and for (12V71,16V71) can be found on the upper rear corner of the cylinder block. 


Find The Serial Number For Your 92 Series Engine 

This series includes the following engines. 



Serial Number For 92 Series Engines


The serial number for (6V92 & 8V92) engines is located on the upper front right hand side of the engine as viewed from the rear or flywheel side of the engine. For the (12V92 & 1692) the engine serial number is found on the upper rear corner of the cylinder block. 


For 6 cylinder engines the serial number starts with: 6VF

For 8 cylinder engines the serial number starts with: 8VF

For 12 cylinder engines the serial number starts with: 12VF

For 16 cylinder engines the serial number starts with: 16VF


Find The Serial Number For Your 149 Series Engine 

This series includes the following engines: 


Serial Numbers For 149 Series Engines

8V149 = 08E follow by seven digits

12V149 = 12E follow by seven digits

16V149 = 16E follow by seven digits


The serial number for 8V149 engines is stamped on the rocker cover rail in the left rear corner of the block as viewed from the flywheel end of the engine. The serial number for the 12V149 and 16V149 is found on the right rocker cover rail at the front corner of the block as viewed from the flywheel end of the engine.  


Find The Serial Number For Your 60 Series Engine 

This series includes the following engines: 


The serial number can be found on the upper middle of the cylinder block and starts with 06R.


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