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Cummins Crankshaft Seal Kit - Front

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  • Cummins,Crankshaft Seal Kit,Front,3804744,L10 and M11 engines,Kit de sellado del ciguenal
  • Cummins,Crankshaft Seal Kit,Front,3804744,L10 and M11 engines,Kit de sellado del ciguenal

Cummins Crankshaft Seal Kit - Front

Price: $ 43.63

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Includes the seal and sleeve, for external damper engines


New crankshaft front seal kit for Cummins L10 and M11 engines. Includes the front seal and the front sleeve. For use in engines that have an external damper.

Includes the seal and the sleeve.

weight: 0.60 Lbs.

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